by Rob Van Damn - 8 years ago - 2625 Views Report
Lucky or Unlucky ? When lizard touches your various parts of Body. Well the answer are simple. First , It is creepy animal for some people and it is scary animal for many people especially woman, but we will unleash something more today.
Before telling you what are fate on If A Lizard Touches Your Right or Left Eye, consult doctor or physician nearby in order to ensure - your eyes are healthy.
If a lizard touches your right eye - scary thought - just survive the moment by imagining what awaits you - indeed, pleasure is waiting around the corner!
You wonder what's the difference between the left eye and the right, when it's a lizard which has chosen your eye as its landing pad, right? Think again! If it's your left eye that the lizard has chosen, much more than pleasure awaits you! Wealth is going to arrive.
It's Bad Luck - If a lizard falls on your head, you would actually yell: "God help me!" But you would hardly realise that it's actually regarded as a bad omen.
As luck will have it, if it falls on your left wrist, it's lucky for you! But as we all know, except for left-handers, the probability is minimal
If a lizard touches your right forehead - only less scary than if it falls on top of your head - you will be blessed with divine grace.
If a lizard touches your left forehead, your ventures will become successful...could one ask for more ?
This is one of the most common places where a lizard is likely to touch our body. Because we mostly use our right hand to do things like open a cupboard etc, it's most likely to fall on our right hand as well. Yes, you guessed right - it's an unlucky omen.
Other Body Parts :-
If a lizard touches your right shoulder, victory will be yours.
If a lizard touches your left shoulder, you will find peace and happiness - bliss, in short!
If a lizard touched your right foot, it's considered a bad thing to every which way.
If a lizard touched your right foot, then worst fate may fall ill.
But all's not lost! If a lizard touches the fingers of your right hand, get ready to receive a nice gift..
This is one case where your left hand is at a disadvantage...if a lizard touches the fingers of your left hand, lots of worries cloud your brow.
If a lizard chooses to crawl down the right side of your neck, you are likely to make enemies.
However, if a lizard crawls down the left side of your neck, it spells victory for you in various kinds of challenges.
If a lizard happens to fall on you when you're asleep, it's quite likely that it will run all over your body. Now, what does that mean? It means a long life, that's what!
source: speaking tree.